
Pro Action Replay Codes:
Devilish (U) [!]
Access Level Select - 00CB37:02
Note: Turn code on while on the main menu.
Start With ?? Number of Balls [Number Is In Hex] - 00CEA4:?? -Rid
Bat Speed Mach X - 00CEC:30? -Rid
Infinite Balls - 00CF4D:09 -Rune
Infinite Time (Ten's Digit) - 00CAF2:09 -Rune

Devilish (J)
Access Level Select - 00CCCF:02
Note: Turn code on while on the main menu.

Infinite Balls - 00D0E5:09 -Rune
Infinite Time (Ten's Digit)- 00CC9D:09 -Rune

Game Genie Codes:
Infinite balls - 00C-EDA-19E -Galoob
Infinite credits - 3A3-A6E-2A2 -Galoob
Start with 2 balls - 011-76D-E62 -Galoob
Start with 7 balls - 061-76D-E62 -Galoob
Start with 9 balls - 081-76D-E62 -Galoob
Start with 2 credits - 012-9AE-E62 -Galoob
Start with 6 credits - 052-9AE-E62 -Galoob
Start with 8 credits - 072-9AE-E62 -Galoob
Start on Stage 2 Under Passage - 022-E2E-E6E -Galoob
Start on Stage 3 Waterfalls - 032-E2E-E6E -Galoob
Start on Stage 4 Old Castle - 042-E2E-E6E -Galoob
Start on Stage 5 Prairie - 052-E2E-E6E -Galoob
Start on Stage 6 Volcano - 062-E2E-E6E -Galoob
Start on Stage 7 World of Ice - 072-E2E-E6E -Galoob
Start on Stage 8 Evil Temple - 082-E2E-E6E -Galoob

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